2000 Z3 Coupe | Hellrot Red


I stumbled across this Z3 Coupe, randomly posted on howstuffworks.com by David Hogan. The Coupe appears to be all stock. David had this to say about his Coupe:

David Hogan: I enjoy my 2000 BMW Z3 coupe for a lot of reasons: its eccentric “bread van” design, the capable 2.8-liter six, the slick 5-speed stick, the confident way it corners. With its broad hips and fiery red finish it seems to me to have a personality, and I baby it, seeing that it never encounters snow or even rain, and bringing the odo, so far, to just 17K.

In the five years I’ve owned the car I’ve seen myself–that is, another Z3 coupe–only once. That brought a fleeting moment of solidarity with the other driver, who seemed to be as pleased and surprised as I was.


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