This M Coupe was listed on by Richard Seddon of Lancshire, United Kingdom with 68,000 miles for £15,000 (~$23,316 USD). This a great looking all stock, sunroof delete Coupe. The paint looks shiny, and well cared for, and the Estoril Blue leather seems to show less wear than I have seen in other Coupes with similar mileage. Only 168 RHD S54 M Coupes were sold, and with the Estoril/Estoril color combo, this is a rare example. In North America for 2001 and 2002 there were 23 and 15, respectively, Estoril/Estoril M Coupes sold, of which only 6 and 7 were sold without a sunroof. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if this is the only Estoril/Estoril RHD M Coupe in the world, let alone without a sunroof. That said, with the low miles, this Coupe is a relative bargain, especially for the UK. Assuming of course, that it is in as good of shape as it appears in photos.